Nourish A Cold

How often do you think about colds and flu when you are packing your lunch, cooking dinner or taking in a quick snack I can bet almost never? 

The foods you eat can have a powerful effect on your body’s ability to ward off everyday bugs that you may pick up from door handles, telephones, office equipment or even the person standing next to you that is coughing.

Of course washing your hands is always an effective way to ward of cold and flu germs eating the right foods has the ability to support your body’s immune system by providing it with the nutrients it needs to be healthy and well.

Evidence suggests that one of the key factors for warding of not only colds and flu but chronic diseases is having a strong, intact and healthy immune system.

One of the easiest ways to strengthen the immune system is to eat foods that are rich in immune boosting power.

I have identified 10 delicious and convenient foods that will help you to boost your body’s immunity.

They all contain specific nutrients that have demonstrated positive effects of assisting the body’s ability to stay healthy.

Add them to your weekly diet and experience the benefits they will have on your body.

1. Kale

2. Strawberries

3. Coconut

4. Oatmeal

5. Almond Butter

6. Beans

7. Matcha

8. Pumpkin Seeds

9. Pomegranate

10. Ghee

Some of the immune boosting effects of the above foods include naturally increasing Vitamin C, increase in Beta carotene which converts in the liver to Vitamin A, being a good source for zinc, increasing Vitamin E, filled with antioxidants, folate and increasing Vitamin B, providing nourishment to every cell in the body and providing natural hydration to all tissues within the body.

Some recipe ideas may include smoothies, soups, salads, breakfast and tea.

It is recommended that organic foods be eaten as often as possible and many super markets today have organic sections in their produce department as well as in their “Healthy Eating” food sections.

Don’t be afraid to explore the possibilities of healthy eating.

Remember you are providing your body the nutrients that it needs to thrive and stay healthy and that you are doing this in a natural and holistic way.

Eat Wisely.


Rochele M. Lawson, RN,MA,AHP,CMS