You probably know all about looking after your skin, but is that really the most important thing? Sure, it’s what the world sees – but how much effort do you put into your mind, body, and spirit? Those things matter just as much. It’s the simple act of self-care that can completely transform your life. Think of it as your fuel, the energy that will keep you going. What happens if you don’t fill your car’s gas tank? Eventually, you run out of gas and the car breaks down. Why is it important? The best way to describe it is – as you await take-off, the flight attendants roll the safety video. One of the most important things that it tells you is that in an emergency where the oxygen masks drop, you always deal with your own mask before attempting to assist anyone else. That is the perfect way to describe self-care. How can you take care of anything or anyone else, if you aren’t taking care of yourself first?
To give to others… first, you must give to yourself.
Think of it as your fuel, the energy that will keep you going. What happens if you don’t fill your car’s gas tank? Eventually, you run out of gas and the car breaks down. If you look after your body, mind, and spirit, then you will have the fuel that you need to live a healthy, product, and happy life. There’s also the impact it has on your health. Chronic stress now often feels like that rule, rather than the exception it once was.
There is so much to do and so little time, stress feels a bit like a merit badge.
The problem with that line of thinking is that there is literally nothing worse for your health than chronic stress. Stress leads to sleep problems, causes migraines and fatigue, you gain weight, your stomach hurts, you have digestive issues, your muscles hurt, you’re irritable and restless, and your immune system is in danger, too. There have been links between stress and heart problems, and even certain cancers. So, managing stress is incredibly important. How do you manage stress? With self-care, of course. To give you a better idea of what self-care should look like, let’s look at some tips: 1. It starts with your diet. The best way to exercise self-care is to eat a healthy diet.
2. The next step is physical exercise, bonus points if you can get that work out down in nature.
3. Unplugging from technology to enjoy some relaxation time is equally important.
You may love wasting hours on your phone, but your eyes, brain, and stress levels will thank you for the break. 4. Incorporate the help of someone to hold you accountable for your self –care. If it chills you out, make time for it.
Take the first step into self-care now! Wishing You Peace To Your Mind, Wellness To Your Body and Tranquility To Your Spirit. Namaste, Rochel Marie Lawson The Queen of Feeling Fabulous