Best Ayurvedic Remedies for Cold and Sinus

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Common symptoms like a stuffy or a running nose are typically brought on by a cold, an allergic reaction, or chronic allergies like fever. A sinus infection can, however, occasionally also be indicated by a blocked nose. The nasal membranes become inflamed as a result of a cold or allergies, which causes the nose to expand and produce excessive mucus, which makes it difficult to breathe. Any age can have nasal congestion, but it can be particularly problematic for infants as it may impede their breathing, which may lead to future respiratory conditions like asthma. For nasal congestion, there are many different medications on the market. However, due to their high effectiveness and lack of adverse effects, Ayurvedic treatments are becoming more and more popular. 

12 Ayurveda Tips  For Cold & Sinus That Really Work

Check these 12 best ayurvedic remedies  for cold and sinus that you can find in your home. 


When it comes to natural remedies for illness, honey is one of the most popular ingredients that work well for a number of problems. Because of its antibacterial properties, it can help in the fight against a number of bacterial conditions that might cause allergies, nasal congestion, or clogged noses. Two teaspoons of pure honey combined with lukewarm water can prevent infections while soothing the throat and nasal passages. Additionally, honey might improve your mood when you drink hot milk or tea.

2. Ginger and Turmeric

Ginger can ease sinus inflammation and widen the nasal passages to improve breathing.  Use fresh ginger to make juice or use boiling water to make ginger tea. You could also add some honey for more natural soothing properties and can add sweetness  to your tea. The root of turmeric has powerful anti-oxidant and inflammation that can help relieve your sinus problems. 

3. Giloy

As an ayurvedic medicine for cold allergies, Giloy has recently become quite well-liked worldwide.  It particularly gained popularity after the COVID-19 virus spread to India. Giloy, also known as Guduchi or Amrita, is a plant with leaves in the shape of hearts. Giloy aids in the treatment of tonsillitis and colds brought on by allergies or irritants. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory qualities aid in boosting immunity.

4. Tulsi 

Tulsi is known as the “Queen of herbs” in Ayurveda. The use of tulsi leaves increases one’s resistance to the common cold, sinus, and cough. Tulsi slows the onset of infections by raising the production of antibodies. Tulsi has a cough-relieving effect. It helps to open up the airways by supporting you in removing the mucus from your cough. Chew on four or five tulsi leaves as soon as you awaken in the morning. You can keep consuming Tulsi leaves to strengthen your defenses. You can also have the option to boil the tulsi leaves for 10 minutes and add a pinch of salt and squeeze ½ of the lemon.  Strain and drink it warm. 

5. Grape Extract

Eating grapes can strengthen the immune system. Grapes have antioxidants and vitamin C, which can help battle allergy issues such as nasal congestion and nose blockages. Warm water can be made by putting a few drops of grape extract in it. This may aid in clearing up a blocked nose. For greater results, one can also take grape extract steam. Using this method, the blocked nasal canal can be quickly cleansed.


Garlic has a wealth of antioxidants that support the development of white blood cells and fortify the immune system. It helps to produce antibodies that fight respiratory illnesses. To benefit from garlic’s health benefits, add it to your hot soup or meals two times per day.

7. Onion

Antioxidants and important vitamins are abundant in onions. A blocked nose can also benefit from its qualities. A peeled, freshly chopped onion will rapidly open a blocked nose and possibly ease nasal congestion when inhaled for five to six minutes.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar

Another exceptional component that can assist with a variety of health issues is apple cider vinegar. It is very nutrient-dense and possesses strong antifungal and antibacterial effects. Drink this mixture three times each day by stirring two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar into a glass of warm water. As an alternative, you might think about enhancing the flavor with honey to improve both effectiveness and flavor.

9. Warm compress

Using a warm compress can assist unclog nasal passages that have been clogged, congested, or stuffy recently. With the heated compress, you can choose to apply hot pressure outside the nose. By lowering sinus and inflammation, breathing can be made easier.

10. Inhale Steam

If you need immediate relief from a stuffy nose, try this. Inhaling steam is the simplest and quickest way to open up blocked nasal passages. Place a jar with boiling water in it and bowed over it. Cover yourself with a cloth and kneel over the vessel to stop the steam from escaping into the surroundings. Keep your eyes closed and take long breaths of the steam. Eucalyptus oil or any other antiseptic herb can also be added to the water to improve its antibacterial effects. Once you’re done, keep your head and face covered until you’ve cooled off.

11. Cinnamon

It is one of the best ayurvedic medicine for colds, sinuses, and coughs. It is excellent for a sore throat in addition to providing relief from a typical cold. It is well known that cinnamon has antiviral properties. This aids in the battle against the common cold virus. Additionally, it possesses anti-inflammatory qualities that might help soothe sore throats. Make a cup of black tea as usual. Add a small amount of cinnamon powder. Drink it 2-3 times a day.

12. Drink more water

This might be the easiest natural cure for nasal congestion and a blocked nose. Drinking more water will help thin the mucus and urge the fluids out, which can ease the strain on the sinuses. When dealing with nasal congestion or a blocked/stuffy nose, warm water should be drunk. If you’re suffering from sinus pain, we hope some of these ayurvedic remedies will help alleviate your symptoms and reduce discomfort. These nose-soothing herbal remedies may help unblock your nose and allow you to breathe more easily. We hope you learned a lot from this blog post! Stay safe everyone!