Harmonious Energy and Living Through Meditation – Part 1

Blissful Living 4 U - Wellness, Wisdom, and Wealth - Learn to Dream Big
We’ve all heard what you put out in life is what you get in return but have you really thought about what that statement means?

2020 has been a year of awakening, challenges, changes, exposure, growth, and what some may define as negative. And I would say that everyone on this planet needs a little bit of uplifting no matter where you are on your path to Bliss. So what if you could learn to change the flow of your life in such a way that harmonious, healing, and positive energy become an everyday fact in your life no matter what is going on in the world, would you be open to learning?

What if you could learn just one or two things right now that could change your life for the better, no matter where you are in life, are you ready to learn?

Are you ready to receive this gift?

Nayaswamia Jyotish and Devi chat with Rochel Marie about how we can live a harmonious and energetic life and it is easier to do than we think.

Links to Nayaswamia Jyotish and Devi

Website: www.ananda.org/jyotish-and-devi

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ananda.org

Instagram: www.instagram.com/anandaworldwide

Links to Rochel Marie Lawson
Website: blissfulliving4u.com/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/rochelelawson
Facebook: www.facebook.com/blissfulliving4
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/rochelemarielawson/
Twitter: twitter.com/rochelelawson/

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