The Indigo Soul – Part 2  

Blissful Living 4 U - Wellness, Wisdom, and Wealth - Learn to Dream Big
The journey of discovering more about Indigo souls continues. Are you aware that the ego is a virtual layer of the mind that actually does not really exist, but yet we allow it to rule our life? Did you know that the ego consists of a feminine aspect and a masculine aspect, and learning to manage these aspects is key to living a more aware controlled life? Would you like to learn how to free yourself from the control of the ego? Are you ready to transform and get more connected to yourself so that you step into your purpose and doing what you are here to do? Tune in as Rochel Marie Lawson continues her chat with Yol Swan as she shares her wisdom you all can take back control of your life even if you are not an Indigo soul. Yol Swan Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn:

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