Your Physical Health and Wealth Are Connected

Blissful Living 4 U - Wellness, Wisdom, and Wealth - Learn to Dream Big

Have you heard that your physical health is tied to your wealth? 

When you are feeling and exuding a healthy state in your mind and your body mostly likely your pillar of wealth is also in a harmonizing and healthy state.

When you are feeling fabulous, with energy, zest, and radiance, free from anxiety worry, and stress your confidence and self-worth accelerate.

When your self-worth increases, you are most likely to make great business decisions, ask for a raise, charge higher rates for your service or product and value your unique expertise, gifts, and talent.

Living in a healthy state allows you to attract and live in a higher vibration energy. This higher vibrational energy increases the connection to magnetizing greater financial abundance.

However, when you fall into a state of worry, anxiety, rambling thoughts of doom, and bad lifestyle choices you fall prey to allowing disease to enter the mind and the body.

This can lead to an exhaustion of energy and that higher vibrational energy begins to decrease to a bare minimum. The magnetizing of wealth and the healthier choices for managing your wealth may fall away.

The energetic vibes on the physical health level and the wealth health level begin to suffer and become reflective of each other. Both may begin to descend even though you may not be able to connect the dots.

It is a known fact that when financial stress enters your life, you will suffer some sort of medical condition from elevated blood pressure, increased headaches, overeating, overindulging in alcohol, not exercising, and negative mental thoughts

Unless you take action to circumvent the demise of your physical and your wealth by taking a proactive approach to life you will suffer.

Rest assured all is not doom and gloom.

You can learn how to get your physical and mental wellbeing in a healthy state and when those financial challenges show up you will be able to handle them with balance, clarity, confidence, and peace.

Here are a few tips to help you maintain physical and wealth health.

First and foremost, you must maintain a positive mental attitude, no matter what!

Instead of surfing the internet and shopping, go for a walk and get your body moving. The fresh air and movement will do your body and mind good and the no internet surfing to shop will do your wallet good too.

Set goals for your health and your wealth and develop a plan of action so that when a challenge occurs you have a game plan to help you through it in a positive manner.

Having no plan of action will leave you vulnerable to the shift in a negative manner.

Spend at least 5-10 minutes per day reading a health-related and wealth informative article. Be sure to keep yourself updated on the latest trends with regards to investing and protecting your wealth.

Spend time meditating focusing on physical and mental balance and financial balance and abundance. 5-10 minutes is all it takes but it has to be done every day until it becomes a habit. Once that happens you are set.

Wishing you wellness, wisdom, and wealth.




Rochel Marie Lawson, RN, AHP, CMS

The Queen of Feeling Fabulous